Creating a Knowledge-Based Gaming System for Children

Creating a Knowledge-Based Gaming System for Children
Category: Custom Cloud
Date: 09/21/2017

Client Goal

An educational institution which offers many programs for children, and academic scholarships wanted to give their students a fun, online gaming system to help them learn, and teach them proper behaviors as well. Since many children that have difficulties in reading, memorizing and learning the educational material also have behavior management issues, creating a fun tool for them to learn, and feel success was important to this client.

Business Solution

Our design team took time to learn the social issue behind this application to be able to properly help children learn new material. With two goals in mind – to educate and to entertain children, we created a game-based learning application that would appeal to educators and children alike.

Value Delivered

The education game:

  • Helped children improve their learning capacity overall by playing fun memory games.
  • Allowed children to log into their accounts daily to manage lessons from an online instructor.
  • Improved behaviors in children who participated, giving kids a fun way to learn, and positive reinforcements along the way.

Technology Used

Dot.NET 4.0 , HTML 5, AJAX, JQuery


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